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Key Roles in the Performance Appraisal Process

Performance appraisals are a crucial aspect of employee development and organizational growth. Understanding the roles of different participants in this process is essential for its effectiveness.

The Appraiser's Role

  • Responsibilities: Typically the Line Manager, responsible for conducting the appraisal and providing constructive feedback.
  • Attitude: Must maintain a positive approach and focus on helping employees improve.
  • Feedback: Encourage employees to find solutions to challenges, with a focus on skill development.

The Employee's Role

  • Participation: Also known as the appraisee, actively engaged in discussing performance and setting goals.
  • Preparation: Employees should gather evidence to support their contributions and growth areas.
  • Attitude: Openness to feedback and willingness to discuss improvement areas.

The Senior Management Team's Role

  • Overview: Responsible for the overall performance of the business and its employees.
  • Accountability: Ensure that performance appraisals are conducted effectively across the organization.
  • High-Level Analysis: Focus on summary insights from appraisals to identify areas for organizational improvement.

This guide is part of our comprehensive training on performance appraisals. For more details and resources, please visit our website.