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Mastering Communication in Appraisal Meetings

Effective communication is vital in appraisal meetings. This guide focuses on honing both verbal and non-verbal communication skills essential for a productive appraisal.

Understanding Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Communication in appraisals involves both verbal and non-verbal elements:

  • Non-Verbal Communication: Includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and overall appearance.
  • Verbal Communication: Encompasses the use of words, tone, and clarity in speech.

Key Principles of Effective Communication

Appraisal communication is a two-way process, demanding adherence to key principles:

Body Language

  • Dress smartly to project professionalism.
  • Avoid negative body language like eye-rolling or frowning.

Listening Skills

  • Practice active listening without interruptions.
  • Use open-ended questions to encourage discussion.

Oral Communication

  • Speak clearly and avoid jargon to prevent confusion.
  • Maintain a positive tone throughout the conversation.

Written Communication

  • Ensure emails are free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Read through your written communications for clarity before sending.

Avoiding Common Communication Pitfalls

Be mindful not to jump to conclusions and treat the appraisal as a fact-finding process.

Remember, effective communication in appraisals is not just about transmitting information, but also about building a mutual understanding and respect.